Wednesday, November 9, 2011

what's the next ....

My target... Hopefully i get to hit all of them!!

1. Done the label design for mask
2. Pick the cny clothes for sis and of coz me too
3. Each day at least done 1topic of the ebook, if cant, at least twice a week
4. Done the design mug for grandma
5. Done the card design for cny & b'day

Now, all these are my undone work, really hopefully i can done all and make a new list soon!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

my 9th photoshop class

1st: Blur for the car
1. open a car image
2. 'Ctrl+J' to copy the car layer
3. 'Elliptical Marque Tool' draw a circle at the tyre
4. Filter > Blur > Radial Blur
5. Blur Method > Spin > add Amount > Blur Center (adjust)
6. repeat step 2
7. repeat step 4 & 5 (Zoom)
8. use 'eraser' erase abit (car)
9. repeat step 2
10. adjust to 'soft light'
11. open a new layer
12. 'Rectangular Marquee Tool' to draw a box
13. 'Alt+Backspace' fill in black color
14. change to 'screen'
15. Filter > Render > Lens Flare

2nd: Text (fire)
1. fill the black color for background
2. write a word
3. 'convert to smart object' > 'rasterize layer'
4. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur & Radial Blur
5. Filter > Stylize > Wind
*** Flip the object to horizontal b4 work on step5
6. Filter > Distort > Ripple
7. Image > Mode > Grayscale > Flatten > Discard
8. Image > Mode > Indexed Color
9. Image > Mode > Color Table > Black Body
10. Image > Mode > RGB Color
11. Smudge tool to make it look like fire

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

my 8th photoshop class

1st: Make up using brush tool
1. open a image
2. Ctrl+J to copy
3. Brush tool > click Alt at a place to get the color of the skin
4. open a new layer
5. simply use white 'brush' draw a line at the teeth
6. use smudge tool to make it blur abit
7. lower the opacity of this layer

2nd: Add hue/satuuration
1. place a building picture
2. add 'outer glow'
3. place a background
4. place a tree
5. 'create new fill adjustment layer' at the left bottom
6. choose 'Hue/Saturation'
7. 'Alt' within the 'hue/saturation layer' & 'tree layer'
8. adjust the 'hue/saturation'
9. open a new layer
10. use 'polygon tool' draw a light
11. repeat step 5 & 6
12. adjust the light layer 'Fill' to lighter

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

my 7th photoshop class

1st: Kitchen
1. open a simple kitchen image
2. open a new layer
3. use 'polygon tool'
4. 'Alt + Backspace' to fill in color
5. repeat step 2-4 to fill color for all the things
6. File > Place > Choose a material picture
7. 'Convert to smart object' > 'Rasterize layer'
8. hold the 'Alt' key, within the material and color layer click 1time
9. repeat step 6-8 until all done
10. open a new layer and place a flower vase image
11. 'Ctrl + J' to copy a new layer
12. flip it vertically
13. apply a mask layer to the copy layer (vase)
14. 'Gradient' > Drag over to make a shadow
15. open a layer and place a jar
16. open a layer > Polygon tool > Alt+Backspace to fill color > Opacity (lower)
17. Eraser tool (adjust the opacity, hardness to low), rub abit
18. merge all the layer together
19. Render > Filter > Lighting Effects > Adjust light

2nd: Brush & Smudge Tool
1. open a new layer
2. use black paint brush (chalk pattern) simply make few
3. use smudge tool touch up abit or hold & pull down to make mountain
4. repeat step 2 & 3 to make mountain
5. open a new layer and repeat step 4 (3mountains)
6. use white paint brush simply draw a line
7. use smudge tool to make cloud
8. open a new layer
9. use 'gradient tool', choose the pattern you want
10. drag from 1spot to another spot to make the black & white background
11. open a new layer
12. use paint brush and draw few birds

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

my 6th photoshop class

1st: Puzzle
1. at a layer that has puzzle shape
2. 'rectangular marquee tool' select the part u want
3. Edit > Define Pattern
4. Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss > Texture > Puzzle Style

2nd: Building house by layer style
*** all must done in new layer
1. Filter > Render > Cloud
2. use 'brush tool' draw mountain
3. draw a white sun
4. merge all the layer by 'Merge Layer'
5. Filter > Render > Lens Flare > adjust
6. 'Rectangular Marquee Tool' draw a box
7. CTRL+Backspace > Fill in color
*** muz hv color only can add 'layer style'
8. Layer Style > Pattern Overlay > Adding a pattern u want
*** repeat step 6-8 to build a hse
9. 'Brush Tool' > Choose the grass pattern

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

my 5th photoshop class

This class is all about 'Masking'

1st: Replace a face to another person body
1. find a picture
2. add a layer of a face
3. 'add layer mask' at face layer
4. use 'brush tool' to mask the unwanted place
5. use 'healing brush tool'  to make it look more balance (mix & match)

sexy lady's body wif a guy head

2nd: Layer Style
1. adding a layer style in the layer, click the icon (fx)
2. Styles can be built with the following effects:
  • ·         Drop Shadow – Creates a shadow behind the layers contents.
  •              Inner Shadow – Creates a shadow on top of the layers contents.
  • ·         Outer Glow - Creates a glow behind the layers contents. Cannot be distanced like the drop shadow.
  • ·         Inner Glow – Creates a glow on top of the layers contents. Again, cannot be distanced like the inner shadow.
  • ·         Bevel and Emboss - Used to create unique highlight and shadow effects on a layers contents.
  • ·         Satin - Gives the layer contents a satin-like, glossy appearance.
  • ·         Color Overlay - Fills the layer contents with a solid color.
  • ·         Gradient Overlay - Fills the layer contents with a gradient.
  • ·         Pattern Overlay - Fills the layer contents with a pattern.
  • ·         Stroke - Creates an outline on layer contents using a solid color, gradient, or pattern.
3. Example, 'drop shadow', un-tick the 'use global light' to move the shadow 
*** it just move that layer shadow, not all the layer moving together
4. If wanna add more option style like at the 'pattern overlay', click 'Append' not 'ok'
*** other option wont lost by clicking 'Append'

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

my 4th photoshop class

1st: Photo Edit
1. Ctrl+J
2. Filter --> Blur --> Gaussian Blur
3. Blend mode change to 'Soft Light'

2nd: Merge
1. Open all the picture wanna merge
2. File --> Automate --> Photomerge
3. Click on the 'Add open files' and choose 'reposition'

3rd: Crop
1. Open a picture
2. File --> Automate --> Crop and Straighten photos
3. Save the picture 1 by 1 and flip the picture to correct position

4th: Repair old picture & Color
1. Open a picture, Image --> Mode --> RGB Color
*** Change it only can do coloring
2. Choose 'Spot Healing Brush Tool'
*** For the background/sampled pixel to the pixel being heal
3. Retouch all the spot that unnecessary (by clicking)
4. Choose 'Healing Brush Tool'
*** The color area healed will follow the color surround it
5. Click+Alt (copy a sampled) only retouch with the area that imperfection
6. Choose 'Clone Stamp Tool'
7. Click+Alt
*** At the area between the clothe and background
8. Choose 'Brush Tool'
9. Paint each part in each layer
*** Eye in 1layer, Hair in 1layer, etc
10. Change the Mode to the one that look nice
*** Multiply, Soft Light, Color
*** Use the 'Eraser Tool' to remove the unwanted part 
*** Must change it to 'Normal' mode before erase/paint it
11. 'Group' all the layer that had painted
12. 'Duplicate Group' and 'Merge Group'

5th: Clone Stamp Tool
1. Click+Alt at one of a building
2. Click at one spot and start paint out
*** Another similar building will shown
3. Click+Alt simply at a spot
4. By clicking at the unwanted area to remove it
*** Keep repeating step 3&4 to make it look natural

Thursday, September 1, 2011


We have a photoshooting at Putra....
Although is not those professional~
But also quite fun!!
And bring grandma around~
Aunt too~
They never been there before!!
Really a great chance since is school holiday!!!
But we go there at around 10am++
It is hot weather that day!!!
Really like burning....
After that,
we have dimsum wif grandma~
my 1st time been that shop!!
Really got traditional feel~
The dimsum also taste nice!!!
Not bad........

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shopping Day

This week is school holiday....
so we have plenty of time to enjoy!!!
Today, mom decided to take us for shopping!!!
Sunway~ I'm here for u!!!!
Dad take us there and leave us~
We have our lunch there~
The most expensive lunch we had!!!
And it totally not worth at all~
Damn regret!!!!
After that......
I have my boodyshop shopping.... ^^
I need to restock my facial stuff!!
This time i bought aloe vera range~
wanna try something different!!!
The most surprise is we met our cousin there!!!
At first i dont believe mom~
we keep argue wif mom.....
that's not him!!!
At nite when bro call only we realise is him!!!!
Really a big coincidence~
Bcuz he's cover by mask....
working there!!!
baking the mooncake there~
That's why i cant confirm is him!!!
But really surprise me~~
Overall we have a great day there!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Choo's Birthday

Thought of just pass the present to her~
but ended up she's at my house wif Chooi and Peng!!!
And, she buy a cake here~
really such a special way of celebrating!!
Usually people buy cake the person who birthday~
but she's the other way!!!
She buy a cake here and share wif us!!!
No candles... No birthday song.....
and glad that she likes the present very much!!!! ^^

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

my 3rd photoshop class

1st: Magic Wand Tool
1. Use to select a consistently colored area (for example, a red flower) without having to trace its outline
2. It specify the selected color range, or tolerance, relative to the original color you click

2nd: Rain effect
1. New layer
2. Filter + Render + Cloud + Difference Cloud (wave), Ctrl+F (choose a style)
3. Edit + Transform + Distort
4. Edit + Transform + Warp
5. Copy another wave then flip it
6. New layer
7. Filter + Render + Cloud (sky)
8. New layer
9. 'Paint bucket tool' add black color
10. Filter + Noise + Add Noise
11. Choose 'Uniform' and tick 'Monochromatic' and adjust the amount to 150%
12. Filter + Blur + Gaussian Blur, 0.5radius
13. Image + Adjustment + Levels, just adjust to what u want
14. Filter + Blur + Motion Blur, 50pixels
15. Image + Adjustment + Levels, re-adjust it
16. Change the blend mode to 'screen'

3rd: Lighting
1. Rearrange the furniture
2. Add more light in
3. Adjust the color of the furniture

Monday, August 22, 2011

EE's birthday celebration

Today, we have a great dinner time wif grandma and aunt!
Although today is not her birthday yet~
but we really have an enjoyable time!!!!
Cuz of my sis.....
she has entertains us alot!!!
The way she talks~
The way she acts~
really make us laugh!!!
my tears also burst out becuz of her!!!
Good entertaining after the dinner~
The restaurant is quite quiet!!!
Maybe is becuz today is Monday~
not many people eat outside!!!
So, we get a pretty good service from the waitress and waiters!!!
Cuz not much people for them to serve~
Great time!! Delicious food!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pri's visit

I have a great gathering wif my primary friends~
Although just few of us... not more than 10person
but we really have a great time!!!
I have been such a long time never meet up wif my teacher!!!
I think quite few years......
cuz always dont meet a good timing!!
But this time~
I have the chance to meet him!!!!
The most funny part is everyone has to accompany me watch the old people singing contest!!!
PITY them~
They might very bored of this show!!!
But my friends are too good to me~
they dont even complain~
moreover they still comment together wif me~
guessing who'll be the winner~
I really appreciate it very much!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

my 2nd photoshop class

1st: Layer (color)
1. if the picture background is white color and wanna change the background to transparency, choose the 2nd part, included 'Darken, Multiply, Color Burn, Linear Burn and Darker Color.
2. if the picture background is black color, choose the 3rd part, included 'Lighten, Screen, Color Dodge, Linear Dodge and Lighter Color.

2nd: Illustrator
1. Drag the illustrator logo in
2. Cut it with polygonal lasso tool
3. ctrl+J copy the upper part to new layer
4. Back to the normal logo and delete the upper part
5. Upper half logo, Edit ---> Transform ---> Warp
*** (resize the logo to make it like sledding)
6. Adjust the color of the logo by ctrl+B/U/M
7. Add text
8. At the bottom of the 'layer', the 2nd icon 'fx' (layer style), add some style on it
9. Add another text
10. Drag the text effect to the new text layer to make it same effect as the previous

Saturday, August 13, 2011

my 1st nail makeover

I just have my new nails makeover!!
my 1st time doing this....
become a feminine lady~
It at a bungalow...
There's two pretty ladies do for us!!
They're so nice!!
And, the most important thing i have free art nail~
Cuz i dont have much dead skin for her to scrub!!
But the most headache part is choosing the color i wanna put~
there's variety of choices!!!
I dont know which suit me more~
but the end i choose pink!!
Thought of wanna choose something different
but ended up is....... pink!!
Anyway no regret too~
very NICE!!! ^w^

Saturday, August 6, 2011

the 1st visit

This's the 1st time my cousin come to my house and visit me~
really a SPECIAL day for me!!!
the whole afternoon we talked around....
brag around....
No wonder people said
'when few ladies bump together will like a market'
It's damn true!!!
Love the moment so much!!
Hopefully will have the 2nd visit~

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

my 1st photoshop class

Today having my new chapter...
Sir brief about some tools and color

1. Marquee Tool

  • Rectangular Marquee-Makes a rectangular selection (or a square, when used with the Shift key).
  • Elliptical Marquee-Makes an elliptical selection (or a circle, when used with the Shift key).
  • Single Row or Single Column Marquee-Defines the border as a 1‑pixel‑wide row or column.
2. Option Bar

Selection options
A. New
Add To
Subtract From
Intersect With
3. Lasso Tool 
- simply drag a freehand selection 
- simply click at a spot
- continue holding your mouse button down and drag to draw a freeform selection outline
4. Polygonal Lasso Tool
- mostly use to select those object that straight-sided path (furniture)
- just by clicking
- press 'backspace' to undo the previous point
5. Magnetic Lasso Tool
- detect edges only within the specified distance from the pointer
- contrast sharply (black & white picture)
6. Color (B.U.M)
- ctrl + B: color balance
- ctrl + U: Hue/Saturation 
** can control specific color example like just change the color of red 
- ctrl + M: Curves
** adjust the lightness and darkness
*** is better to adjust 3 of them, the picture look nicer
7. shortcut key
  • F - rotate through full screen mode
  • a) ctrl+T - resize picture
  • b) ctrl+T, ctrl - resize the edge (make it slightly slant)
  • ctrl+D - deselect all/remove the outline of lasso & marquee
  • ctrl+J - new layer

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hang Out

i have hang out with my twin sis and her sis
and pookies too!
But pookies has been late for around 2hous!!
But cant blame her!!
Cuz i understand that
sometimes we not wish to late too...
We have to depend on others too!!
But i'm glad that she make it!!
If not...
i'll be very disappointed!!!
We really have a weird date....
we sat at McD for few hours!!
and seems like other places McD not nice~
purposely go to 'Leisure Mall' and have McD!!!
Surprisingly we got a gift from the 'camera shop owner'!!
We just randomly picked someone to help us to take picture~
and after he helped us....
he offers to give us a calender that printed the picture we took just now!!!
Really such a BIG surprise for us!!!
And that calender will be our most memorable gift for the 1st date!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

am I??

Am i really just like what pookies say??
I really confusing....
I dont think i did...
But she say 'yes, is it!!'
I just like the way he talk....
the atmosphere while talking to him!!!
Cuz talk with him no need to pretend anything~
or avoid something
scare he's angry or what?
worried he'll misunderstood me....
None of this~
Maybe is becuz i have knew him such a long time...
Maybe i already used to it!!
I dont know!!!
But i can 100% confirm that i'm not!!!
I dont have any special feeling to him when i see him
or what~
And i know he just treat me as friend
same goes to me!!!
He's one of my closest boy's friend!!!
Just like other gal's friend!!
That's it!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

my 7th fireworks class

Today class still the same....
upload this and that
and play around Sir website!
His web has been mess up by me~
I keep add this and that
until the whole website dont know like what!!
Just can describe it with 1word....
Hopefully i can really work on it in real....
Do my own one~
experience it!!
So, i must get my own one 1st!!
Sir recommend me 'exabytes'
but not just buy only!!
I'm so confusing about the whole thing!!!
next week must ask him again!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011



Wednesday, July 13, 2011

my 6th fireworks class

This class not on 'fireworks'....
But is about how to really built a website!
Connect it with server!!!
It all so confusing....
I also couldn't really understand Sir trying to say what~
Maybe i have to really try it out only can clearly understand it!
Overall i have know 'joomla' and 'filezila'


“放手吧~ 忘了他/她吧~”

Monday, July 11, 2011

church event

Yesterday nite have attend a church event wif....
my twins sis and her sis
and pookie too~
It quite fun and we like going there to enjoy food only!
Honestly, the food quite nice....
not bad!!
And 1st time i hang out without mom taking me!!!
Really a special experience for me!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

my 5th fireworks class

Today class is about creating a webpage with fireworks...
and creating the menu bar....
It's abit complicated on saving them~
but overall still ok!

1st: webpage
1) simply design your stuff
2) make and design a menu bar for such as 'abt us', 'contact us' and so on
3) type the name for menu
>>> contact us, abt us, menu
4) F8 > make it as button
5) double click it > symbol > click to 'state'
6) design anything for the 'up', 'over', 'down' and 'over while down'
7) use the 'slice tool' to slice it into part
>>> part that u wanna do animation, button and so on
8) at the button there's a 'small round white circle' and click it
9) choose 'add pop-up menu' and design it
>>> type in the name of your sub sub menu
10) at the 'page' and make another page
11) click on the'button' > link (which page u want it link to)
12) when it done, save it so that in case u wanna make changes
13) File > Export
*** 1st page must put in 'index'

Monday, July 4, 2011

Amy visit

My twins sis come over and visit me....
and we wanna practice how to move me~
This's because i have promise her to go for her church event!!!
And there's alot of nice food~
looking at the poster also make me feel like eating them!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

K day wif High skul-mates

Today i really have a fun day with my high school friends!!!
We had celebrated birthday for Peng....
Although is already over 1day
but we really get to surprise her!!!
She didn't know that we prepared cake for her~
She just thought of we sing K with her only!!!
Yu has made her a choco-banana cake!!
Homemade cake.... really full of heart!!!
The cake really can say in high level~
Not bad!!!
Thumb up.... ^^
While she's singing suddenly the song stop~
and change to birthday song!!!
Now only i know can do something like this in K!!!
Really a BIG surprise!!
We all are exhausted and full~
cuz keep on eating and singing there!!
When can we have it again??

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

my 4th fireworks class

1st: making animation [part 1]
1) create a symbol - spiral
2) F8 > animation > OK
3) States > adjust how many u want
4) Scale to > adjust
5) Opacity > adjust (frm light to dark/opposite)
6) Rotate > adjust
7) a dot in the middle of symbol > drag it to the way u want

2nd: making animation [part 2]
1) same step 1 & 2 in [1st TASK]
2) Animate > OK
*** dont change anything
3) States > Duplicate states > depends on how many u want
>>> states that on the right side ( Shift + F2)
4) move the symbol here and there in different states

3rd: create button
1) simply create a shape
2) F8 > Button

4th: slice the page
>>> slice it into part so that when the web loading wont be that slow
1) import a picture in
2) Slice Tool > drag over the picture
>>> differentiate all the part, break it into many part
*** no overlap
3) save in a new folder
>>> more convenient to find and arrange

Sir also had intro me a website....
Those sample mostly also done by flash!!
It looks really nice~
When can i get to do something like the designer??
Dont know have to spend how many years.....
Link: Flash CMS

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

bye bye stitches

My brand new day.....
I've take off all the stitches on my face!!!
No more stitches~
People say that is quite painful!!
But i think is not!!!
Just a bit only....
still can stand!!!
Doctor say my recovery quite good!!!
no need to worry too much~
Just have to apply some cream on the scar!!!
So that the scar not so obvious~
Just have a follow up after 3weeks!!!
That's it!!! ^^V
that few days really tough to take bath~
cant wet the scar part!!
Have to be careful!!!
start from today....
I can bath any way i want!!!
No need to care it!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dr. Soo

Mom take me to the family doctor for a check at the scar.....
If can, just ask him to take off the stitches!!!
Hospital really costly!!!
Just a simple check up & dressing
already cost RM70++
Dr. Soo just charge RM15.
BIG difference.....
and he wash cleaner!!
And Dr. say recovery not bad~
No inflammation...
everything is good!!!
Most important is Wed can take off the stitches!!!
Cant wait for the day to come~

Friday, June 10, 2011

my 1st check up

Today go for the check up...
Doctor wanna see how's the wound and so on!!!
And i have my dressing!!!
Not really painful!!!
Still consider acceptable~
cuz i have one worst than this....
this consider a piece of cake!!! ^__^
Thanks God has gives me go through those challenge!!!
Make me more and more tough now~
More and more brave~
No matter how i must live happily and strongly....
This's what i had promise to myself!!!
so that Mom dont feel guilt~
and blame herself!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Big BIG face

Look at my lappy....
I have a big big face~
b'cuz of the swollen!!!
Now only i realise my face not that big in normal...
although still consider large compare to others!!! :P


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

my new scar

Today, heavy rain after class....
actually mom already quite late come and pick me up from class!!
The rain just non-stop ......
keep falling down~
Because of this heavy rain...
I have my NEW scar on face!!!
While mom driving the car to the restaurant,
so that is more easy to let me carry me into the car....
and my sis is pushing me there~
The rain really getting heavily.....
Everyone also in hurry!!!
Also because of this
i've fall from my wheelchair!!!
I'm all wet....
that's a pool of water right in front of us~
I fall on it!!!
And my blood all like burst out!!!
My face numb....
I worry the glasses has broke~
so i din open my eyes!!!
But the glasses really in good quality!!!
No break~
Sis is totally no respond...
She totally dunno what she gonna do to help me!!!
Mom also damn worried abt me!!!
luckily that's someone willing to run over and help out!!!
An uncle worked at the electrical shop...
Really thanks to the uncle~

Mom quickly drives me home and change clothe
cuz im tooo wet!!!
Then, bro takes me to hospital!!!
Luckily no fracture!!!
Just my T-zone part injure!!!
And i have 30++ stitches at my face!!
Probably will have scar....
just depends on my recovery!!

Really a 'BIG' day for me!!!
But still consider a 'LUCKY' day for me....
cuz i'm still alive here!!
Just abit of scar~
Not a big deal....... ^O^

my 3rd fireworks class

Today i've learn something that similar to 'flash'

1st: Ball moving
1) create a shape
2) Windows > States
3) drag and pull the 'state 1' to 'new/duplicate state'
4) drag the ball to where u wanna put
5) keep on repeat the step 3 & 4 until it done
>>> checking the ball u locate- at the left corner of state, Onion Skinning > Show All State
6) File > Export
*** export is to let u can see it using web browser/web

2nd: Picture change
1) 'right click' at the 'state 1'
2) Add State > type in how many u wanna add > before/after state
3) File > Import > Picture
>>> import those picture in different state
4) create a shape
5) Properties (at the bottom) > Blend Mode > choose the one u want (interpolation)
>>> Interpolation- look abit visual & lighter, can see through behind the box, what's in the pic
6) type word
7) repeat the step 5 & 6
8) 'highlight' all the state and double click at the number there and change the 'second'
>>> highlight-'click on state 1' and while pressing the shift click at the last state

3rd: picture change (2)
1) File > Import picture
>>> import pic into 4part, up to u 
2) keep repeat step 1 until few pic in each parts
3) 'right' click at the 'state 1' > Duplicate state
4) Layers > open/close eye
>>> open/close eye- so tat the pic keep chg in each part
5) keep repeating step4 in each 'state'

Other tasks also almost the same.........
Just stop here!!! ^__^

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mid Valley on Sun

Just back from Mid Valley....
i have my 1st pet exhibition experience~
Really curious about that!!!
Now, i know is what happening there~
Alot of people bring their dogs there!!
Can see human & dogs around....
quite interesting!!!
Most of it also products....
alot of cheap stuff there!!!
Women favorite -- Promotion

we have our high class tea time at Coffee Bean!!
Such a nice & enjoyable afternoon tea~
I have 'pure mocha ice-blended'
Yum Yum Yum.....

After that expensive tea,
i have shopping with mom!!!!
Get to buy myself 3pair of socks!!

And we saw a BIG pirate ship deco there!!!
Such a huge ship!!!
But i didn't bring camera there.....
really such a waste!!!
Actually is the promoting of 'Pirates of the Caribbean'!!!
Really make me wanna watch this movie so much!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

my 2nd fireworks class

1st: make the black & white picture become just with white line
1) import the picture in
2) at the 'layers' there change it to 'screen'
3) Filters > Adjust Color > Invert

2nd: making the picture look blur by feather
1) Bitmap > Marquee tool > Edge > Feather, adjust how much u want
2) click 'DEL' at keyboard

3rd: adjust the picture color
1) Bitmap > Lasso tool > select the part u want (draw from begin till end)
2) Filters > Adjust color > Hue/Saturation

4th: adjust the whole picture color become light
1) click on the picture
2) Layers > Opacity (adjust how light u want)

5th: menubar style (abt us, product, etc.)
1) draw a shape
2) Styles > click Current Document > choose the style u want

6th: flatten object
1) after have done drawing,select the whole thing
2) Layers > right side corner > Flatten Selection
>>> Flatten: transforming vector objects into bitmaps & allow you to edit the image using the bitmap tools in Fireworks
*** saving the editable PNG as backup before flatten, cuz cant edit as vector (cant cut it wif knife tool)

7th: draw a star
1) Vector > Polygon Tool > Shape, Star > Sides & Angles (adjust by your own)

8th: use knife tool
1) drag over the object
2) simply click on the either 1 under the 'Select', 'pointer tool'
3) simply click at 1 place only drag it

Monday, May 30, 2011

Another Shopping Day

Today go shopping with mom & sis....
another day hang out with them!!
Really nice~
Can out from the 'jail'..
BEST day!!!
We go to 'The Body Shop' again
and shop for sis stuff!!!
when we wanna go back that time...
we saw some pearl ear-ring there!!
And it has discount~
Earlier i just thought of wanna ask mom choose her present
but the end....
i have bought myself a pair of ear-ring!!
It orange-ish color
and a lovely music note~
Finally mom also get to choose herself a pair of pearl ear-ring!!!
get mom a present!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

my 1st firework class plus some Flash

1st: adding music in
1) create a shape
2) F8 > Button
3) double click into 'symbol 1'
4) F6 until 'down'
5) at 'down' there pull in a song
6) click on the 'down', at the 'properties', 'Sync' change to 'start'
7) back to 'scene 1'
8) create another shape as a button to stop
9) F8 > Movie
10) double click into'symbol 2'
11) F9 > Frame > stop
12) F8 > Button
13) F9 > click on the button, Button > on (release) > stopAllSounds();

Today i have started my 1st fireworks class....
Just some basic and learn how to arrange~
design too~
Sir says....
i must speed up myself so that i can use this as my earning tool!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

dinner with grandma

Tonite we dinner at 'Cheers' with grandma....
This's to celebrate 'Mother's Day'.
We have some seafood too~
I have been long time never eat seafood already!
We have crab!!!
Really dont even remember how many years i have eat that!!!
It taste BEST!!!
Really an enjoyable nite.....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

my 9th flash class

1st: mouse pointer
1) create two shape (1square, 1round)
2) F8 and make the square 'button'
3) F8 and make the round 'movie'
4) double click the square into 'symbol 1', F6 twice (until the 'Down')
5) return to scene 1
6) double click the round into 'symbol 2', F6 at any keyframe and 'create shape tween'
7) make the round shape from big to small and reverse back
>>> F6 at the btw keyframe > press Q to resize
8) return back to scene 1
9) name the round shape (ttt)
10) click on the round, F9 > Button > onClipEvent (load) > startDrag ("_root.ttt",true) > Mouse.hide();

2nd: adding text using notepad
1) change the 'stage' color
2) create a shape for button
3) F8 > Button
4) Text tool > create a text box > Dynamic text > 'square box icon' show border around text > Multiline
>>> Dynamic means can adjust the size of box
5) save it
6) open notepad
7) type a title in the notepad (all the notepad must be in same title and a "=" behind the text, example 'detail=')
8) type the info
9) save the notepad (different name, example "about")
10) click on the textbox, Flash, Properties > Option > Variable > title in the notepad (detail)
11) click on the round, button, F9 > Button > on (release) > loadVariablesNum ("about.txt",0)
>>> loadVariables > URL > type in the notepad file name (at the window file there)
** everything must save in same folder (notepad & flash)

3rd: menu bar
1) create a menu bar
2) F8 to make it as 'movie'
3) double click it into 'symbol 1'
4) small part of the menubar, F8 to make 'button'
5) whole menubar F8 to make 'graphic'
6) F6 at any keyframe and create 'classic tween'
7) between the keyframes, F6 at the middle and make the menu bar at the middle
8) at the 1st & middle keyframe, F9 > Frame > stop
9) create another layer
10) at the middle of keyframe, F6
11) put the song name, F8 to make it as 'button'
*** must break apart twice before F8 to 'button'
12) at the next keyframe of the song name keyframe, right click and choose 'insert blank keyframe'
13) double click the song name, F6 until 'down' & import the song in (same step each song)
>>> pull the song out from 'properties', paste any where; click the 'down', at 'Sync' change to 'start'
*** when paste the song that time must click at the 'down' only paste it
14) return to scene 1 and name the menubar at 'properties'
15) double click back into 'symbol 1'
16) F9 > click on the button, Button > on (release) >;
>>> mb is the name for the menubar at 'properties'
17) same goes to the part of the menubar, F9 > Button > on (release) >;
>>> double click the menubar into 'symbol 3', click on the part of the menubar
18) return to scene 1
19) create a shape as stop button and name it at properties (example, ct)
20) F8 > Movie
21) double click the stop button
22) F6 1time
23) F9 > Frame > stop (for both keyframe)
24) F8 > Button (for both)
25a) F9 > 1st keyframe button, Button > on (release) >;
25b) F9 > 2nd keyframe button, Button > on (release) > stopAllSounds();
26) return back to 'scene 1'
27) create a shape and name it at properties (example, pp)
28) double click it
29) F6 at any keyframe and make it as 'shape tween'
>>> make the box change different color
30) F9 >1st keyframe, Frame > stop
31) F9 > last keyframe, Frame > gotoAndPlay(2);
>>> (2) means back 2nd keyframe, so the color changing wont stop
32) back to 'scene 1'
33) double click the menubar
34) F9 > song name, Button >; > _root.pp.gotoAndPlay(2);
>>> same to all the song
35) back to 'scene 1'
36) F9 > 2nd keyfrane button, Button > _root.pp.gotoAndPlay(1);
>>> (1) means to stop the color changing of the box

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

shopping day

Today, i go Sunway with mom!
We go BodyShop.....
and i have spent around RM400++
I think i have gone crazy for the stuff in BodyShop!!!
We spent around 2hours+ there!!
Almost all the stuff there i had try on!!!
both of my hand full of different skin care stuff~
I have bought the Vitamin E range skin care stuff
and it already cost me RM200+
i also buy lotion and scrub for body!!!
After that,
we shop at the Pet Shop~
all those bags look so cute to me!!!
Really hope that i can own all the bags~
Everything there is hand made~
from small bags to big bags!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

my 8th flash class

Today class is about script...

1st: Create 1button to tell target stop/play
1) create a shape (ball)
2) F8 to create 'movie' for the ball
3) double click into symbol 1
4) F6 at the keyframe to create 'shape tween'
5) back to scene 1
6) create another shape as button
7) F8 to create 'movie'
8) double click into symbol 2
9) F6 to another keyframe (means got 2keyframe)
10) F8 to create 'button' at the 1st keyframe
11) after changing the color of shape, F8 to create another 'button' at the 2nd keyframe
12) F9 > Frame > stop ();
13) at 1st keyframe, F9 > Button > on (release) > tellTarget ("_root.but") > stop > play
14) at 2nd keyframe, F9 > Button > on (release) > tellTarget ("_root.but") > play > play

2nd: color box
1) create a shape (square)
2) F8 to create 'movie'
3) double click  into symbol 1
4) F6 click 2times
5) F5 click 1time
6) F6 click 1 more time
7) F6 at either 1keyframe to create 'shape tween'
8) change to other colors (red, green, blue, etc)
9) keep on repeating the step 7 & 8
10) F8 to create 'button'
11) 1st keyframe, F9 > Frame > stop
12) 1st keyframe, F9 > Button > on (rollOver) > play
13) at scene 1, copy the shape and paste all over page

3rd: snow
1) create a snow ball
2) F8 to create 'movie'
3) double click into symbol 1
4) F6 to add 1keyframe
5) F8 to create 'graphics'
6) 1st keyframe, F9 > Frame > stop
7) create 'add classic motion guide'
8) draw a line
9) F6 to either 1keyframe
10) right click at the keyframe to create 'classic guide'
11) move the snow at the starting of line and move the snow at the bottom of line
12) at the bottom of the snow, click it and make it 'alpha' under the color effect
13) at the snow, F8 to create 'button'
14) F9 > Button > on (release, rollOver) > play
15) back to scene 1
16) copy the snow and make it all over the page

4th: play and stop
1) create a shape
2) F8 to create 'movie'
3) F6 at any of the keyframe to create 'classic tween'
4) tweening > rotate > CW
5) create another layer
6) create another shape
7) F8 to create 'button'
8) create 3rd layer
9) at the middle of the whole keyframes, F9 > Frame > stop
10) F9 > Button > on (release) > play

5th: slide picture
1) choose those picture in sequence
2) resize all the pictures
3) the 1st layer, 1st keyframe, F9 > Frame > stop
4) create a new layer
5) create two shape as button
6) F9 > Frame > stop
7) F8 to create 'button'
8) F6 twice
9) name the 1st & last frame
10) F9 > click on the 1st button (Button) > on release > next frame
11) F9 >click on the 2nd button (Button) > on release > gotoAndStop ("n.a.m.e")

Saturday, May 7, 2011

mother day

We had dinner with grandma and other family members
at IOI Mall~
wanna celebrate Mother Day with grandma & all the mama....

And then,
the nite right after our dinner.....
we go sing K~
with dad, mom, bro and sis!!!
We keep on laugh inside the room~
till my tears also burst out!!!
Today really a memorable day for us!!!
And the most important is.....
1st time i heard my dad & mom sing~
they sing with us!!!!
La.... La..... La.....

Friday, May 6, 2011

mother's birthday

What a wonderful nite?
Today is mom birthday....
We gonna have dinner at Victoria Station!!!
Yum... yum.... Yum....
We really enjoy it very much!!
And the red juice is so tasty!!!
Love it so much~
And this time,
mom birthday cake is different from usual~
the COMBINATION of RT cake!!!

But this year,
we didn't get to prepare present for mom!!!
cuz we really dont know what to buy for her~

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

my 7th flash class

Today class is about movie vs graphic....
What's the different between them~
movie can make anything i want!!
any movement without knowing how much keyframe is it!!
But for the graphic....
If the animation already set as 12keyframe~
then everything must follow if not the animation will just run half way or funny looking (kik kik)

Crate a movie....
1) create your image
2) F8 and make it as movie
3) double click at the image to symbol 1
4) F8 and make it a graphic
5) at any keyframe press F7
6) click 'classic motion'
7) make the turn CW or what
8) back to 'scene 1'
9) resize your image if u want or add more image
10) make your animation at 'scene 1' 
(F7 at any keyframe > create 'classic tween' > pull the image to where u want > if wanna make it different  position, F7 at the keyframe u want)

That's it!! 

Creating the 'button'....
1) create an image
2) F8 and make it as 'button'
3) double click to 'symbol 1'
4) F8 and make it as 'movie'
5) F6 at 'over', 'down', 'hit'
6) click at 'over', from there 'double click' the image
7) make the animation there <example color change, the image become bigger and so on>
8) continue the same step at 'down'
9) at 'hit' there, clear all the words or thing u make at step 7 & 8 so that it'll hidden

That's it!!!
Today Sir ask me about wanna work for part time job or not....
And finally i'm brave to answer 'YES'!!!
Hopefully i can get the job!!! ^^

Monday, May 2, 2011

my 1st K session

Today i have my 1st K experience.....
with my cousins!!!
I never been to sing K before~
This was my 1st time!!!
Earlier i really dont know how~
like what shall i do?
I sing....
but what song i wanna sing....
will it be annoying my voice??
Actually everything just nothing~
nobody will bother to it!!
In K u can shout or what...
nobody cares it!!!
I loved it so much!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Surprise for Grandma

We had decided wanna give grandma a big surprise....
This day we reach the restaurant before grandma here~
And we ask bro purposely late there!!
When grandma here,
she was shocked by us!!!
Most of her grandchild were there!!!
Look at her surprise face...
i know that we're success!!!
Our surprise for her was so successful!!!
I'm glad that we can cheer her up!!!
Make her day become different & special~
Still remember when we're kid time...
grandpa & grandma bring us for dim sum~
but now should be our turn!!!
That time is priceless & valuable for me!!!
i must make more valuable time in the future!!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Yippie Shope

I have just set up my business with my cousin....
Really a tough work!!!
A lot of things need to manage~
Not like what we expect earlier!!!
We have to find stock, arrange them consistently, manage the order and so on!!!
But we still enjoy it very much!!
This's our 1st business....
Hope that can do our best on it!!!
This's a good opportunity for us to learn something new~
CHALLENGE it with our best!!!

This's a logo that i design for our business

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Nite

This year celebration my lately birthday at grandma house...
Grandma cooked alot of food~
wine chicken, fry mi, hand made mi, curry chicken, fry chicken, prawn, etc.
I liked the curry very much!!
It taste like Malay style~
And today i have 2 cakes!!
Is from RT Pastry~
The cakes really nice to ear compare to others nearby my house!!
The standard nowadays is more and more worst~

1st: Opera

2nd: Blackforest

And i get 2 presents from my dear!! ^^
What a wonderful nite i had~
Everything also in pair!!
So fast my 23 birthday is over!!
Hopefully this year will be a great year for me~
There's improvement of me!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

my 23th birthday

Today is a big day for me...
is the 1st day of my 23
i have live in this world for 22years!!!
Not bad~
Hopefully can be longer... ^^
really feel thankful to my parent~
They let me born to this world
look around here
explore the world!!!
although is alot challenge for me!!
Life is full of challenge...
just take it and make your life become more colorful~
This what i always remind myself!!!

I didn't really celebrate much~
cuz gonna keep for Friday....
My sis bought a piece of cake for me!!!
and i have cheesy tomato seafood rice!

And this year i got a sick birthday...
suddenly caught sick!!!
just hope i can
Get Well Soon!!
really feeling uneasy~
the end i skip my class!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the late present

Today i just make a design for my cousin...
is a cousin we long time never contact!!!
We are close when we are kid!!
But we have separate....
but now~
becuz of the high technology~
through facebook and msn
we get more closer now!!!
This is my 1st time
give her a present~
is not a valuable thing
or expensive~
But im glad that she love it so much!! ^^
Is a design of name...
I get this idea from
her name --- Michelle
with colors~

Saturday, April 16, 2011

my 1st experience in concert

This my 1st time gong to concert!!!
It was 'Show Luo' concert~
My 1st time given to him!!
It was a fun day!!!
When  reach there, it seems like not much people only!!
But the truth is wrong~
When i enter the stadium,
i found out that it was so crowed!!
"human mountain human sea"
Everyone is shouting there!!!
everyone is so high!!!
When the concert start....
the whole stadium is dark!!!!
just can see all the fans was waving their light stick~
It was so so so nice....
get to see the whole scene from my view~
feel like im in the fluorescence pond~
All the songs he sang was so nice!!
Can see him in real really feel excited!!!
He's so handsome and funny~
He jokes too....
I keep on laugh~
Really an enjoyable nite!!
"All the Funniest & Memorable Parts" (click it)
While im going back to car....
we saw his car!!
but the glasses was too dark, cant even see him!!!
Hopefully he can see us!!!
the supporter~ ^^
I started to addict him after the concert!!!
Earlier i just not so~
but now different story!!! Kiki....
He's just like a magic~
He has gone through so much and even never think of giving up!!!
This what i admire him~
He has inspire me with his own life story!!!
'We must persist what we have plan not just hardworking only'
cuz no matter how hard u have do, sometime the result not same with what u have plan!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

crazy day...

I cant even sleep at the whole nite~
probably becuz of mom had admitted!!!
The end i cant stand of it~
i cant even control my tears....
it rolling in my eyes~
The end it drop...
Luckily that time already mid nite!!
Feel like mom sick is becuz of me!!!!
She's too stressful taking care of me and the whole family~
If im not like this....
she will be enjoying her life!!
travel around the word!!!

Early in the morning....
sis wanna helps me to change~
but she not really expert with it,
that's why she changes it for damn long!!!
At least finally she gets to change it!!! ^^
Then, grandma call me around 9am....
ask me to stay there!!
When she prepared everything,
but the end i didn't get to go
cuz dad told aunt that mom gonna discharge this afternoon!!!

The whole day keep on no electric~
Keep on stop and on~
It was so hot and i feeling not comfortable!!
Maybe is becuz of my sickness bladder~

That day should have class....
but becuz of mom just recover and duscharge from hospital,
so i didn't go for class!!!
This was my 2nd time skip my class!!! :(
But i have to be considerate of mom problem!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

scary day

Mom suddenly feel dizzy while she's feeding me dinner...
no longer her heart beats very fast~
After my bro send her to clinic..
Doctor suggest her to admit hospital!!
must be quick~ Be Fast!!!
And all of us are panic....
Same to me!!!
My tears almost drop out~
but i must not cry out...
if not my sis will be damn worried!!!
And the doctor say she's almost collapse and maybe stroke~
But, luckily she reach the hospital fast!!!
Thanks God!!!
Becuz of mom's sick,
my youngest sis decided to stay at home and take care me...
She's not reassurance my maid can take care of me!!!
And, dad sms told us mom's safe now!!!
Dont worry~

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

my 6th flash class

I've learn about the 'motion guide'~
The 1st layer draw a shape or anything u want...
and make it to graphic (F8)
the other layer create it by 'right click' at the 1st layer
choose the 'add classic motion guide'
use the pencil draw a line
(the direction u want the thing u draw move)
After that, 'F5' at how long u want it move...
at the 1st layer 'right click' and choose 'create classic motion'
The most important.....
click on the shape, put the small round circle at the starting point
and the end point too!!
That's it~ ^^

After that.....
i also got make a circle turning!!
That almost the same with the 1st task i do~
just the different is make a circle line then erase abit~
after that just put the small round thingy to the start and end point!!

The last task i do is making the cable~
At 1st, draw a cable...
Then just draw a line using the 1st method~
but this time wanna show the line out~
so, create another layer and 'copy' 'paste' the line!!
And it will show out~
That's it!! Done~

Sir say the next lesson gonna be very tough~
want me to do my revision before the next class!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunway Shopping Day

Today youngest sis no school...
so we decided to go shopping with grandma and aunt~
Really an excited day!!
1st time grandma go there!!
At 1st, we go 'Full House' and have our lunch....
Mom say not very nice, cuz it not enough hot!!
But i think should be ok~
Then, we shop around!!
Jayden was too tired~
The end he fall asleep!
And we bought present for jayden...
cuz all his clothes are not fit for him already!!
I also get to buy few hair clips~
if not i just got 2 different clip can exchange!!! ^^
We also have the 'Taiwan style' ice-cream!!
It makes of fresh fruit and blend with the ice-cream~
quite different....
Hopefully there will be another chance~

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Skip class

Today i didn't go for class....
cuz my lappy had taken by uncle to install adobe!!
Dont know why some of my adobe is not working...
BAD >.<
but now i know why!!
Becuz the CD i bought is not suitable for my lappy!!!
It has 32bits and 64bits...
The CD is 32bit,
and my lappy is 64bit~
That's the reason!!!
I never know that....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

my 1st time...

Victoria Station...
It a high class western restaurant!!!
The food there really best!!!
Good service...
the environment also not bad!!!
I pretty enjoy the moment there!!!
But maybe is not for others...
Cuz the food got alot spices!!
not everyone can accept it~
Maybe i already use to it!!!
Cuz my parent use to bring us to those shop like this!!!
Love it very much~
And there's a train inside!!!
Hopefully there's another chance for me!!!
We also have grape juice...
it looks like red wain but taste sweet and abit sour~
yum yum yum...
Really a luxury moment!!! kiki...


Saturday, March 26, 2011

MAIU Japanese Buffet

Really an excited day...
my 1st time outing with my high school friends~
There're 5 of us!!
We have our dinner at MAIU
a japanese buffet~
It just near my house!!
From around 7.30pm to 10.30pm!
we really have it damn long!!!!
But i enjoy it very much!!
appreciate this chance so much~
I never hang out with my high school friends before!!!
We really damn full~
ate alot of sushi....
i really cant stuck in anymore!!!
But cant waste it~
if not have to pay for the left!!!!
Anyway. my friends help me to finish some of it!!!

 this is the best!!! luv it so much~ fresh.....

 it big and yummy... sashimi and prawn sushi~

 it taste DAMN salty to me!!! i not really like it~

 after for some time... it became like tis!!! soft~~

fishy fishy.... but i didn't ate much!!! cuz my tummy ady cant stuck in anymore!!!

taufu + rice