Wednesday, September 14, 2011

my 5th photoshop class

This class is all about 'Masking'

1st: Replace a face to another person body
1. find a picture
2. add a layer of a face
3. 'add layer mask' at face layer
4. use 'brush tool' to mask the unwanted place
5. use 'healing brush tool'  to make it look more balance (mix & match)

sexy lady's body wif a guy head

2nd: Layer Style
1. adding a layer style in the layer, click the icon (fx)
2. Styles can be built with the following effects:
  • ·         Drop Shadow – Creates a shadow behind the layers contents.
  •              Inner Shadow – Creates a shadow on top of the layers contents.
  • ·         Outer Glow - Creates a glow behind the layers contents. Cannot be distanced like the drop shadow.
  • ·         Inner Glow – Creates a glow on top of the layers contents. Again, cannot be distanced like the inner shadow.
  • ·         Bevel and Emboss - Used to create unique highlight and shadow effects on a layers contents.
  • ·         Satin - Gives the layer contents a satin-like, glossy appearance.
  • ·         Color Overlay - Fills the layer contents with a solid color.
  • ·         Gradient Overlay - Fills the layer contents with a gradient.
  • ·         Pattern Overlay - Fills the layer contents with a pattern.
  • ·         Stroke - Creates an outline on layer contents using a solid color, gradient, or pattern.
3. Example, 'drop shadow', un-tick the 'use global light' to move the shadow 
*** it just move that layer shadow, not all the layer moving together
4. If wanna add more option style like at the 'pattern overlay', click 'Append' not 'ok'
*** other option wont lost by clicking 'Append'

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