Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shopping Day

This week is school holiday....
so we have plenty of time to enjoy!!!
Today, mom decided to take us for shopping!!!
Sunway~ I'm here for u!!!!
Dad take us there and leave us~
We have our lunch there~
The most expensive lunch we had!!!
And it totally not worth at all~
Damn regret!!!!
After that......
I have my boodyshop shopping.... ^^
I need to restock my facial stuff!!
This time i bought aloe vera range~
wanna try something different!!!
The most surprise is we met our cousin there!!!
At first i dont believe mom~
we keep argue wif mom.....
that's not him!!!
At nite when bro call only we realise is him!!!!
Really a big coincidence~
Bcuz he's cover by mask....
working there!!!
baking the mooncake there~
That's why i cant confirm is him!!!
But really surprise me~~
Overall we have a great day there!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Choo's Birthday

Thought of just pass the present to her~
but ended up she's at my house wif Chooi and Peng!!!
And, she buy a cake here~
really such a special way of celebrating!!
Usually people buy cake the person who birthday~
but she's the other way!!!
She buy a cake here and share wif us!!!
No candles... No birthday song.....
and glad that she likes the present very much!!!! ^^

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

my 3rd photoshop class

1st: Magic Wand Tool
1. Use to select a consistently colored area (for example, a red flower) without having to trace its outline
2. It specify the selected color range, or tolerance, relative to the original color you click

2nd: Rain effect
1. New layer
2. Filter + Render + Cloud + Difference Cloud (wave), Ctrl+F (choose a style)
3. Edit + Transform + Distort
4. Edit + Transform + Warp
5. Copy another wave then flip it
6. New layer
7. Filter + Render + Cloud (sky)
8. New layer
9. 'Paint bucket tool' add black color
10. Filter + Noise + Add Noise
11. Choose 'Uniform' and tick 'Monochromatic' and adjust the amount to 150%
12. Filter + Blur + Gaussian Blur, 0.5radius
13. Image + Adjustment + Levels, just adjust to what u want
14. Filter + Blur + Motion Blur, 50pixels
15. Image + Adjustment + Levels, re-adjust it
16. Change the blend mode to 'screen'

3rd: Lighting
1. Rearrange the furniture
2. Add more light in
3. Adjust the color of the furniture

Monday, August 22, 2011

EE's birthday celebration

Today, we have a great dinner time wif grandma and aunt!
Although today is not her birthday yet~
but we really have an enjoyable time!!!!
Cuz of my sis.....
she has entertains us alot!!!
The way she talks~
The way she acts~
really make us laugh!!!
my tears also burst out becuz of her!!!
Good entertaining after the dinner~
The restaurant is quite quiet!!!
Maybe is becuz today is Monday~
not many people eat outside!!!
So, we get a pretty good service from the waitress and waiters!!!
Cuz not much people for them to serve~
Great time!! Delicious food!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pri's visit

I have a great gathering wif my primary friends~
Although just few of us... not more than 10person
but we really have a great time!!!
I have been such a long time never meet up wif my teacher!!!
I think quite few years......
cuz always dont meet a good timing!!
But this time~
I have the chance to meet him!!!!
The most funny part is everyone has to accompany me watch the old people singing contest!!!
PITY them~
They might very bored of this show!!!
But my friends are too good to me~
they dont even complain~
moreover they still comment together wif me~
guessing who'll be the winner~
I really appreciate it very much!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

my 2nd photoshop class

1st: Layer (color)
1. if the picture background is white color and wanna change the background to transparency, choose the 2nd part, included 'Darken, Multiply, Color Burn, Linear Burn and Darker Color.
2. if the picture background is black color, choose the 3rd part, included 'Lighten, Screen, Color Dodge, Linear Dodge and Lighter Color.

2nd: Illustrator
1. Drag the illustrator logo in
2. Cut it with polygonal lasso tool
3. ctrl+J copy the upper part to new layer
4. Back to the normal logo and delete the upper part
5. Upper half logo, Edit ---> Transform ---> Warp
*** (resize the logo to make it like sledding)
6. Adjust the color of the logo by ctrl+B/U/M
7. Add text
8. At the bottom of the 'layer', the 2nd icon 'fx' (layer style), add some style on it
9. Add another text
10. Drag the text effect to the new text layer to make it same effect as the previous

Saturday, August 13, 2011

my 1st nail makeover

I just have my new nails makeover!!
my 1st time doing this....
become a feminine lady~
It at a bungalow...
There's two pretty ladies do for us!!
They're so nice!!
And, the most important thing i have free art nail~
Cuz i dont have much dead skin for her to scrub!!
But the most headache part is choosing the color i wanna put~
there's variety of choices!!!
I dont know which suit me more~
but the end i choose pink!!
Thought of wanna choose something different
but ended up is....... pink!!
Anyway no regret too~
very NICE!!! ^w^

Saturday, August 6, 2011

the 1st visit

This's the 1st time my cousin come to my house and visit me~
really a SPECIAL day for me!!!
the whole afternoon we talked around....
brag around....
No wonder people said
'when few ladies bump together will like a market'
It's damn true!!!
Love the moment so much!!
Hopefully will have the 2nd visit~

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

my 1st photoshop class

Today having my new chapter...
Sir brief about some tools and color

1. Marquee Tool

  • Rectangular Marquee-Makes a rectangular selection (or a square, when used with the Shift key).
  • Elliptical Marquee-Makes an elliptical selection (or a circle, when used with the Shift key).
  • Single Row or Single Column Marquee-Defines the border as a 1‑pixel‑wide row or column.
2. Option Bar

Selection options
A. New
Add To
Subtract From
Intersect With
3. Lasso Tool 
- simply drag a freehand selection 
- simply click at a spot
- continue holding your mouse button down and drag to draw a freeform selection outline
4. Polygonal Lasso Tool
- mostly use to select those object that straight-sided path (furniture)
- just by clicking
- press 'backspace' to undo the previous point
5. Magnetic Lasso Tool
- detect edges only within the specified distance from the pointer
- contrast sharply (black & white picture)
6. Color (B.U.M)
- ctrl + B: color balance
- ctrl + U: Hue/Saturation 
** can control specific color example like just change the color of red 
- ctrl + M: Curves
** adjust the lightness and darkness
*** is better to adjust 3 of them, the picture look nicer
7. shortcut key
  • F - rotate through full screen mode
  • a) ctrl+T - resize picture
  • b) ctrl+T, ctrl - resize the edge (make it slightly slant)
  • ctrl+D - deselect all/remove the outline of lasso & marquee
  • ctrl+J - new layer