Wednesday, August 17, 2011

my 2nd photoshop class

1st: Layer (color)
1. if the picture background is white color and wanna change the background to transparency, choose the 2nd part, included 'Darken, Multiply, Color Burn, Linear Burn and Darker Color.
2. if the picture background is black color, choose the 3rd part, included 'Lighten, Screen, Color Dodge, Linear Dodge and Lighter Color.

2nd: Illustrator
1. Drag the illustrator logo in
2. Cut it with polygonal lasso tool
3. ctrl+J copy the upper part to new layer
4. Back to the normal logo and delete the upper part
5. Upper half logo, Edit ---> Transform ---> Warp
*** (resize the logo to make it like sledding)
6. Adjust the color of the logo by ctrl+B/U/M
7. Add text
8. At the bottom of the 'layer', the 2nd icon 'fx' (layer style), add some style on it
9. Add another text
10. Drag the text effect to the new text layer to make it same effect as the previous

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