Thursday, January 6, 2011

my 7th class on Wed

Yesterday class was about navigating to different site, from this page navigate to another page!! There's 4 method to do it!! Another thing i've learn is the frame!! But, Sir asked me try to figure out myself!!! Phew~ I'm still trying on that!!! Hopefully i can make it!!! Sir say he just used 5mins to do it!!! Ohh.... I'm not as pro as you~ Hmmm.... Fighting!!!

The 1st i learn is 'jump menu', it is the most simple one to complete!!! At the insert there, at the left for CS4, choose the Forms, then go to 'jump menu'!!! After that just click '+' button to add as much as you want!!! After that add on the html page that you want over the 'browse' there!!!

The 2nd task is the 'open browser'... This also quite easy!!! At 1st have to click on the place you wanna add this, after that, from the 'behaviors', click '+' then choose the 'open browser window', add on the page you want to navigate to.... at the URL to display!! After this.... add on the height, width, attribute (what kind of page you wanna display, depends on you) and the most important add a name for it!!! That's it!!!

The last task is the 'navigation bar'!! This more troublesome.... because you have to repeat and repeat, keep doing the same thing at every page you want to navigate!!! Anyway just few simple steps only!!! It almost same as previous, choose the 'set nav bar image' at behaviors~ Then, just add on all the image you wanna it display!!! Just repeating all this step at the place you wanna add!!!

*Remember.... must click on the place you wanna add all this navigation 1st before you add either jump menu, open browser or what!!!

The last method Sir didn't teach me... He skip it because my software don't have!!! BAD~

The last part i learn yesterday was doing the 'frame'..... just got one step is the most important!! It must click 'save all' when you wanna save your work!! At the 'insert on the left, choose the 'layout' then scoll down to 'Frames' and choose the pattern you want!!! If you choose 'left frame', then your page will split into two side!!! If you wanna adjust the width within the two side.... click on the 'view' go to the 'visual aids' and choose 'frame borders'!!! After typing your thing... then you can set your navigation!! Just like some web page, you can click at your left, there are some choices example like the website for clothes, got home, male clothes, female, etc... then will navigate to another page!! To navigate other new page, create a new page, keep on create it.... (depends on how many page you want)!!! After all this, click at the place you wanna put the navigation, then click the 'HTML' at the 'properties', put the page just now you create (the page you wanna navigate to) at the 'link' there!!! The last step, click at just now that place (example: words), at the 'properties' there is the 'target'.... choose the place you want the page situate!!! That's it!!!

Done for yesterday class!!! ^^

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