Wednesday, October 26, 2011

my 9th photoshop class

1st: Blur for the car
1. open a car image
2. 'Ctrl+J' to copy the car layer
3. 'Elliptical Marque Tool' draw a circle at the tyre
4. Filter > Blur > Radial Blur
5. Blur Method > Spin > add Amount > Blur Center (adjust)
6. repeat step 2
7. repeat step 4 & 5 (Zoom)
8. use 'eraser' erase abit (car)
9. repeat step 2
10. adjust to 'soft light'
11. open a new layer
12. 'Rectangular Marquee Tool' to draw a box
13. 'Alt+Backspace' fill in black color
14. change to 'screen'
15. Filter > Render > Lens Flare

2nd: Text (fire)
1. fill the black color for background
2. write a word
3. 'convert to smart object' > 'rasterize layer'
4. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur & Radial Blur
5. Filter > Stylize > Wind
*** Flip the object to horizontal b4 work on step5
6. Filter > Distort > Ripple
7. Image > Mode > Grayscale > Flatten > Discard
8. Image > Mode > Indexed Color
9. Image > Mode > Color Table > Black Body
10. Image > Mode > RGB Color
11. Smudge tool to make it look like fire

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

my 8th photoshop class

1st: Make up using brush tool
1. open a image
2. Ctrl+J to copy
3. Brush tool > click Alt at a place to get the color of the skin
4. open a new layer
5. simply use white 'brush' draw a line at the teeth
6. use smudge tool to make it blur abit
7. lower the opacity of this layer

2nd: Add hue/satuuration
1. place a building picture
2. add 'outer glow'
3. place a background
4. place a tree
5. 'create new fill adjustment layer' at the left bottom
6. choose 'Hue/Saturation'
7. 'Alt' within the 'hue/saturation layer' & 'tree layer'
8. adjust the 'hue/saturation'
9. open a new layer
10. use 'polygon tool' draw a light
11. repeat step 5 & 6
12. adjust the light layer 'Fill' to lighter

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

my 7th photoshop class

1st: Kitchen
1. open a simple kitchen image
2. open a new layer
3. use 'polygon tool'
4. 'Alt + Backspace' to fill in color
5. repeat step 2-4 to fill color for all the things
6. File > Place > Choose a material picture
7. 'Convert to smart object' > 'Rasterize layer'
8. hold the 'Alt' key, within the material and color layer click 1time
9. repeat step 6-8 until all done
10. open a new layer and place a flower vase image
11. 'Ctrl + J' to copy a new layer
12. flip it vertically
13. apply a mask layer to the copy layer (vase)
14. 'Gradient' > Drag over to make a shadow
15. open a layer and place a jar
16. open a layer > Polygon tool > Alt+Backspace to fill color > Opacity (lower)
17. Eraser tool (adjust the opacity, hardness to low), rub abit
18. merge all the layer together
19. Render > Filter > Lighting Effects > Adjust light

2nd: Brush & Smudge Tool
1. open a new layer
2. use black paint brush (chalk pattern) simply make few
3. use smudge tool touch up abit or hold & pull down to make mountain
4. repeat step 2 & 3 to make mountain
5. open a new layer and repeat step 4 (3mountains)
6. use white paint brush simply draw a line
7. use smudge tool to make cloud
8. open a new layer
9. use 'gradient tool', choose the pattern you want
10. drag from 1spot to another spot to make the black & white background
11. open a new layer
12. use paint brush and draw few birds